[ C,次,人类活动是肇因。U]减少,降低,减少量global warming. Many scientists say we are now虽然物种的自然灭绝vt.&vi.(使大小、数量等)entering the Earth's sixth mass extinction. This并不罕见,但现在灭绝减少,减小,降低→详见P153time, human activity will be to blame.发生的速度让人担忧。⑦ be ...
This chicken recipe with its fruit and its spices appears in the middle of the book when Kim is living in France and is involved in a passionate love affair with the French founder of a well-known cosmetics company. Just like the recipe itself, this European romance is sweet, tender, and...
"The U.S. election will be one of the most consequential moments determining the whole world's ability to limit warming," said Caroline Brouillette, executive director of Climate Action Network Canada. The razor-thin race to the White House is happening as American communities reel...
"What's happening is obvious to everyone." "I’m trying to be more hopeful these days, but the news is not so good," admitted Joe Shea, an assistant professor of environmental geomatics at the University of Northern British Columbia. Sheapublished researchthat projected substantial losses to ...
All of this is bullshit that has never been used to make people afraid of any other illness ever. At the same time somehow the media, the panic, the insanity, was all in the holy name of convincing people this was the most lethal thing ever. (As we know from Fauci’s emails.) Oh...
The US bluefin artisanal fishery is the most highly regulated bluefin fishery in the world. The limit per day in season is three fish and the minimum size must be 73”. A fisherman would be very lucky to catch three fish in one day. It is true, however, that once every year or so,...
Given that global warming is inevitable for the next half billion years (and beyond for that matter because the Sun will continue to expand until it eventually envelopes the orbit of the Earth), we best find ways to deal with it in the short term and develop the ability to travel to dist...
The Global Temperature Record Says We Are in a ‘Climate Emergency’ Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest was Driven by Climate Change U.S. Heat Waves are Getting Worse We Need to Limit Global Warming to 1.5 Degrees C° U.S. Temperatures are Rising Dramatically G...
Tea #6, Moving Balance: Practices for the Inconceivable / Spring Equinox Tea #5, Leap Tea: Navigate Change Using Delight Permutating Mid-Winter: Just Because We Can’t See It Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Happening Announcing publication of Solid, Broken, Changing Earth at Perihelion, Sharin...
That’s what’s been happening west of the city of Abu Dhabi, the capitol of the United Arab Emirates, where a coral “wipe out” 10 years ago, has failed to revive itself. The whole sad story of the mess humanity is doing to this world makes me think of the old Bruce Cockburn son...