Rome is located in central Italy, about 190 km north of Naples, 210 km north of Pompeii, 230 km south of Florence, and about 300 km south of Venice. Vatican City, the smallest country in the world, is basically a neighborhood of Rome (you don’t need a passport to get in, but the...
M. R. Pennington, "Riddle of the scalars: Where is the sigma?," In *Frascati 1999, Hadron spectroscopy* 95-114 [hep-ph/9905241].Riddle of the scalars: where is theσ - Pennington - 1999M.R. Pennington, "Riddle of the scalars: Where is the σ?," in Proc. of the Workshop On ...
Walker 3,A.Munteanu 4,R.Buonanno 1,5,F.Caputo 1,V .Castellani 1,C.E.Corsi 1,M.Dall’Ora 6,P.Francois 7,M.Nonino 8,L.Pulone 1,V .Ripepi 6,H.A.Smith 9,P.B.Stetson 10,F.Thevenin 111INAF -Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma,Via Frascati 33,00040Monte Porzio Catone,Roma,Italy e...