For that, you will need a plugin likeEnvira Gallery. It is thebest WordPress image gallery pluginon the market that allows you to organize your images in albums, tags, and galleries. Allowing Users to Upload Images in WordPress By default, WordPress allows any users who can write posts on ...
is celebrated around the first of May. As we approach this Bealtaine threshold, approximate midpoint between our Northern Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, Spring is unfurling in all her glory. The“Merry Month of May”is coming on strong at all the latitudes. ...
Within a few years I commissionedAqua Sheath, an original oil painting, for my home in Palm Springs. Barbies chic sense of style is so mid-century, so she’s always in fashion in Palm Springs… it was a perfect fit for the desert. Eventually I sold the home and put the painting in ...
The other big thing that I wanted to tell you, is that I’m hosting a sew along with these fabrics using my Snowed In Sampler pattern. The Sew Along will start on June 17th and run for 2 months. Each Thursday I will send out an email for that week, for those that have joined the...
WordPress ( Blogger ( Tumblr ( Another drag-n-drop site design and hosting service that goes beyond the blog is Squarespace ( If you are interested in pursuing web design or production as a career, you’ll need to bring...
Today, jingles are virtually being used by every radio station — no matter what the format or operation is to facilitate in attaining that all-elusive distinctive radio “sound. One of the people greatly responsible for the overall acceptance of radio jungles is Peter Frank, president of Richard...
WordPress Gantry extends WordPress' native functionality, empowering users to manipulate virtually every aspect of their visitors' experience. Grav Gantry 5 is the first theming framework for Grav, designed by members of the same team that developed the CMS. ...
Usually, such functionalities (in our case, business logic) is either stays in Services, or it stays at sever. So let’s go ahead and create a service to do some action. D:\ng5-tdd>ng g service calculator/math create src/app/calculator/math.service.spec.ts (362 bytes) create src/ap...
Uses the default WordPress image options to fetch the correct sized image. Recommended thumbnail setting is the same as what you set for Thumbnail size or Medium size in your Media settings page Support for WordPress featured image Auto-extract the first image in your post to be displayed as ...
(Image source: UPQODE) (Large preview) What I like about this approach is that it enables you to say “We’re going to do X, Y and Z” while framing it in a light that the client actually understands. In this case, what you’d really be saying is “We handle all the technical ...