thirties, forties, fifties (etc.).The Public Burning(1976) is more ‘outrageous’ in subject matter: it imaginatively dramatizes a well-known contemporary political figure, Vice-President Nixon, during the week just before the execution of the Rosenbergs; in odd visionary moments Uncle Sam appears...
Inside is the decor of the Down Under as copied from New York Restaurants by Al Kocab and Leonce Picot. Kay in New York was several times seated by the Maitre d' Tables at Mrs. J.F. Kennedy's table, by mistake. She was that elegant- simply tailored, slim as a pipe and stunning...
Kennedy was elected president, as reported on Nov. 9 by the San Jose Mercury, in one of the closest elections in U.S. history. A symbol of youthful vigor in a changing world, JFK was the youngest president in history and the first Catholic president ever elected. 1961: REBEL FORCE ...