Where is Patagonia located? Find our map to see what to see in Patagonia. Is Patagonia a country or not? What is Patagonia? Check our complete guide for Patagonia
The Dorotea Pass from Rio Turbio to Puerto Natales gets people from El Calafate in Argentina (which has an airport) to Torres del Paine. It's a five hour bus trip from Calafate to Puerto Natales. A common trip for people wanting to trek around El Chalten and Torres del Paine) ...
As for timing in Patagonia, this is hard to answer. I would make time for at least 2-3 days in El Calafate and the same amount of time in El Chalten. Crossing into Chile would take up another 4 days at the very minimum on your itinerary…but timing depends on SO much, mostly the...
Chilean Patagonia encompasses the country’s southern territory below the city of Puerto Montt. This long, narrow strip of mountainous land bleeds all the way down to the continent’s southern tip. The coastline is rugged and dotted with countless icy channels, islands, and fjords. Sights and a...