HOAs will usually make certain options available for residents. If you don’t like the options currently available, your best bet is to reach out to your HOA president to talk about allowing new services in. You also have the option of satellite internet connections that don’t require additio...
My e-mail is: ellenlacter@earthlink.net. Some Indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming: A. Repetitive, robotic statements that do not make sense in context of dialogue, e.g., “I want to go home”, meaning to return to the abuser group. B. Compulsive or ritualized behaviors,...
Our sole purpose is to provide a stable, easy to use, easy to set up email service for people on Cape Cod that are of tired the hassles and junk-mail that comes with using providers like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo^, Earthlink, Comcast mail, Verizon^ mail, AOL^ A 1 time $10 set up fee...
ifix2is@gmail.com Financial disclosure: Paid consultant (Alcon) David F. Chang, MD Clinical Professor, University of California, San Francisco Private practice, Los Altos, California dceye@earthlink.net Financial disclosure: None Francis S. Mah, MD Scripps Health, La Jolla and San Diego, Cali...