Note: Please note the kindle books in this folder are encrypted with new kindle drm which is not crackable. So if you need to remove drm from kindle books, please follow this guide to remove drm from Kindle books on Mac.Situation 1: Kindle app get from Apple store: When you search "...
The above steps explain where to find Audible files on a Kindle Fire, but I couldn't find any Audible files there because my Kindle Fire is not rooted. If you're willing to take the risk of rooting your Kindle, you may be able to find them there. Otherwise, there's no need to sea...
But you’ve got to know that with so much hype, and months of Apple promoting the heck out of the new ipadgadget, that it’s nearly impossible to find an iPad sitting on any retailer’sstoreshelf. While this was once considered a huge problem, there is now an answer. Because, just ...