The Ride actually officially begins on Saturday morning, but our merry little band of riders got ourselves and our bikes on the first transports so we could ride down as far as Carlton on Friday evening where we all stayed at a motel. The photo above is of friends Kevin, on the left, ...
Respirology (Carlton Vic) 8 Suppl(Suppl 1):S9–S14. Article Google Scholar Chen Y, Rajashankar KR, Yang Y, Agnihothram SS, Liu C, Lin YL, Baric RS, Li F (2013) Crystal structure of the receptor-binding domain from newly emerged ...
Gonzalez JΜ Jr, Brown ΒJ, Carlton ΒC (1982) Transfer ofBacillus thuringiensisplasmids coding for δ-endotoxin among strains ofB. thuringiensisandB. cereus. Ρroc Natl Acad Sci 79:6951–6955 CASGoogle Scholar Greaves MP (1993) Formulation of microbial herbicides to improve performance in the ...