Thomas Aquinas College (CA) 161 117 73% Berea College (KY) 595 413 69% Principia College (IL) 96 66 69% Barnard College (NY) 1,027 632 62% University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma 303 184 61% Bowdoin College (ME) 845 499 59% Pomona College (CA) 770 416 54% Soka University...
DENNIS HOEY Staff Writer
We all admireNeal Driscoll, Java’s and Zack’s dad, for playing despite a bad knee. Neal always plays well and reminds us of what a true gentleman looks like. On Sunday Neil took a walk outside the park to test out his knee, and he found the homerun ball that his son, Java, ...
Exactly how a group of overprotected preppies convinced school authorities to allow a field trip to a Doors concert is unfortunately pretty much lost in the mists of time. One recollection has it that it was a classmate, an excellent drummer and ardent music fan, who found out about the conc...