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it is time to do sth表示"是该做某事的时候了",故选B项。(4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.breathtaking令人叹为观止;B.heartbreaking令人心碎;C.eye-catching引人注目;D.head-spinning令人头晕目眩。句意:但是,是时候迈出这一步了,然而,这将是令人心碎的。根据上文"Gabby Douglas had...
As the main result of this paper, we prove that if q is odd, then k( OC (B n (q)))=k( OC (C n (q)))=2 k ( OC ( B n ( q ) ) ) = k ( OC ( C n ( q ) ) ) = 2 mathContainer Loading Mathjax and if q is even, then k( OC (C n (q)))=1 k ( OC ...
Similar funding commitments made by Norway are said to be partly in the interests of initiating the United Nations (UN) program for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD).LauranceDistinguishedBillDistinguishedEBSCO_AspEcologist...
III. Thermal decomposition of sodium lanthanide malonates, Na5Ln(C3H2O4)4.7.5H2O, where Ln=Gd, Tb or Ho - Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry - Volume 30, Number 3 - Akadémiai Kiadó, co-published with Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Formerly Kluwer Academic Publishers B....