Which is able to keep us through anything we are about to undertake or that this world that lies in wickedness; 1 Jn.5:19 can dish out to His chosen children because Jesus is our one and true God; as seen in verse: 20And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us...
Biblical Prophecy Removing Iniquity Repentant Devils, and Bad Ones Revelation 14 Puzzle Revelation and the 5 Earthquakes Reverse apartheid……South Africa cries out for help Reverse the curse Rich Young Ruler vs. Prosperity Gospel Riding a White Horse through Troubled Times Rocco Says Goodbye Rocket’...
Paul Travels By Ship To Tyre, Where He Is Again Warned Not To Go To Jerusalem - And when it came about that having withdrawn from them we put-to-sea,
The double use of "woe" is a common biblical literary device to express intense grief or impending doom. The "great city" refers to Babylon, a symbol of human pride and rebellion against God. Historically, Babylon was a powerful empire known for its wealth and idolatry. In Revelation, it ...
A foundational document of the newly-launched Repent NZ, outlining the biblical teaching on the primacy of Christ over every domain, and its implications for the relationship between Church and State. 2″ 1 Read The religious significance of Covid, excursus: is masking magic? Understanding the...