Jericho Man Jerusalem will be divided, under 2 governments Jesus – Who is He? Jesus and His relationship with the Father God Jesus and the Water Pots Jesus as the Son of God Jesus at the Door Jesus Had no Electricity Jesus is Coming Soon Jesus Kneeling by the Side of the Road Jesus ...
Yes, a step of faith is important, but so sometimes is a stop of faith! Faith not only can call us to be pro-active but also pro-waiting, to stop, to rest, to do nothing for the time being. There’s certainly a Biblical basis for sometimes taking this pro-waiting approach to mini...
the Rev. James K. Friedrich, was the pioneer of Christian movie-making in America, and one of his first biblical films wasChild of Bethlehem,produced in 1941. My sister Martha was a newborn child then, so she got to play the baby Jesus. Nine years later, my father madeHoly ...
We should all know how the Lord looks at a shame also; today everyone calls something that nots so bad a shame but all sin is a shame to God: see Dan.12: vesre 2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and...
‘On the one hand, it stands as a symbol of American interest in Biblical archaeology in the Mandate period. It was going to be and is the first true museum of the region that comes from the Western mindset. It’s played a complex role over the last several decades because it, too, ...