Where was ancient Numidia? Where was the Timurid Empire located? Where is Akhenaten buried? Where is the Arch of Constantine? Where is Egypt's Temple of Dendur? Where is Trim Castle? Where is Sultan Suleiman buried? Where was the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus located?
15 “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: ‘Because the Philistines acted in vengeance and took revenge with malice in their hearts, and with ancient hostility sought to destroy Judah,16 therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am about to stretch out my hand against the Philistine...
Where is modern-day Susa? Where are the bodies in Pompeii? Where were Herodotus's writings discovered? Where was Attica in ancient Greece? Where did the Romani genocide take place? Where did Meroe flourish? Where did the Meroitic civilization live? Where was Thucydides exiled? Where was the ...