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doi:10.1111/ejed.12287Shanti GeorgeSchool of Education Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth WalesJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdEuropean Journal of Education
squalidus together with both the radiate and non-radiate forms * Present address: Department of Agricultural Botany, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dyfed SY23 3DD. 133 134 NOTES AND COMMENTS TABLE 1 The number of hybrids found on sites and among the progenies of radiate and non-...
Institute of Geography and Earth SciencesAberystwyth UniversityBoreasWintle AG (2008) Luminescence dating: Where it has been and where it is going. Boreas 37: 471-482.Wintle, A.G., 2008. Luminescence dating: where it has been and where it is going. Boreas, 37(4): 471-482....
University of Wales in Aberystwyth for the 22nd conference of the International Society for Contemporary Legend Research.Folklorist Dr Mikel J Koven, from the university's department of theatre, film and television studies, is coordinating the event. Admitting to having long held an interest in ``...