The Iran-backed Houthis' media outlet confirmed the strikes in a Telegram post but gave no immediate details. Houthi media said three people were killed in the strikes and 14 injured. The U.S. military also has targeted the Houthis in Yemen for months, including in recent days, in respons...
A hotel with Somali leaders residing inside was bombed in the city of Jowhar on Sunday, Somali sources said. The perpetrators and their motives are not currently known, but sources say that some of the leaders of the Hiirshabeele authorities were staying at the Nuur Doob hotel. Jowhar is ...
Yes, gold’s rise last week was partly in response to the battle brewing in Yemen, which could turn into a full-on proxy war between the powers that be in the Middle East. Yemen has been increasingly unstable since Shiite fighters from the north known as Houthis seized control of the ca...
The Iran-backed Houthis' media outlet confirmed the strikes in a Telegram post but gave no immediate details. Houthi media said three people were killed in the strikes and 14 injured. The U.S. military also has targeted the Houthis in Yemen for months, including in recent days, in respons...