In which environments do bacteria live? What are the classifications of Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plants, and Animals called? 1. What are halophilic, thermoacidophilic and methanogen archaebacteria? 2. What are the main ecological roles of bacteria? What are extremophiles? What...
The bacterium where utilization null ashideichiobachirusuchiookishidansu to the sulfur oxidative bacteria and its copper sulfide orePROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a bioleaching process of copper sulfide ore using a sulfur oxidizing bacterium.大畑 温子...
Low-abundance green and purple sulfur bacteria were found to be highly active 855 The ISME Journal Rare microbes and ecosystem function A Jousset et al 856 Table 1 References for processes or functions which are Removal of rare microbes in activated sludge and supported by rare microbes freshwater...
Scientists and practitioners have identified an increase in diagnoses of autism and ADHD in particular, though the reasons why are largely unknown. In their work, the scientists found that insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and the neurotransmitter dopamine both stimulated folate-dependent ...
Reported sex offenses were lower in neighborhoods where more registered sex offenders live—a finding that runs counter to public perception about residential safety.
Around 500 million years maybe sooner some ancient forms of bacteria emerged but they did not use oxygen in their metabolism, in fact oxygen was highly toxic to them, instead they mostly received their energy by reacting sulfur with hydrogen. If humans could have survived, the atmosphere would ...
Low-abundance green and purple sulfur bacteria were found to be highly active keystone species in freshwater and crucial for nitrogen and carbon uptake (Musat et al., 2008). Similarly, Pester et al. (2010) found that the most important sulfate reducer in peatland was a rare bacterium with ...