Earth, which really struck a cosmic chord. Everything about this album – the soul of the songs, the Rockin’ beat, lyrics, vocals, instrumentation, the lively up-tempo tracks
As a developing artist in portraiture, I have always wondered what an ideal and challenging reference portrait would entail. Could it be an elderly face where the mien is calm as the sea, and its wrinkles are like estuaries of flowing grace, or could it be the face of an adorable child ...
Every night at dinner at my house, my family shares a simple ritual before we say grace. We go around the table and say where we saw kindness that day. When Leah and I take our turns, our kindness is often that the other person made dinner. Many times, mine also come from people ...
Grace Kelly Films - Match Year With Film (Matching) by rock music Average final score 50% with 20 participants. (13) Hugh Grant characters (Matching) by Mary F. Average final score 44% with 80 participants. (13) Matt Dillon characters (Matching) by Mary F. Average final score 41...
Each song (with the exception of Ampeater A-side “Madeline” which is a born power-pop single if I’ve ever heard one) begins with something nondescript: a few simple strummed chords or a gentle fingerpicking riff. The verse melodies tend to be pleasant but not aggressive. They flow by...
"I’m very happy to see all these new songs back together on the good ship i/o and ready for their journey out into the world," the British singer said in a press release. With 12 tracks "of grace, gravity and great beauty," the album tackles themes like the passage of time, grie...
CHRISTMAS IS WAITING TO BE BORN; In you, in me, in all humankind.” Jesus and his family were humble refugees from humble backgrounds. Regardless of material wealth, we each come from and return to humble backgrounds. In between, I can seek deliverance, age with grace, and retain a daily...
And there were plenty of grace notes that felt sweet on the screen. Walking in bare feet on the sand in the cargo bay. Seeing the sun for the first time. The moment that quietly revealed the identity of the baby’s father. It delivered a solid story with proper stakes and I was on...
GRACE HUBERSTAFFORFORD –Wynn Mercere HARRY POTTER –John Harrison JAKE STEIN –Justin Robert Young LEANN SNDYER –Rebecca Johnson LIAM – Himself LUKE SKYWALKER –Brady Hendricks MONTIPAIRE DAFOE –Derek O’Neill MR. FREEZE 7-UP –Bill Meeks ...
Bedell Smith, Sally. Grace and Power: The Private World of the Kennedy White House. New York: Random House, 2004. Leamer, Laurence.The Kennedy Women: The Saga of an American Family.New York: Fawcett Books, 1994. Readers: For more on Frank Sinatra on this blog, clickhere. ...