In my case, i install docker-desktop on wsl2, windows 10 home. i find my image files in \\wsl$\docker-desktop-data\version-pack-data\community\docker\overlay2 All image files are stored there, and have been seperated into several folders with long string names. When i look into every ...
"Let Windows manage my default printer" disable via GPO "Need permission" when deleting files and folders on External Hard Drive, "take ownership" does not work. "Open Microsoft Edge with" is grayed greyed out, cannot change "Sync your settings" options are unavailable - linked account issue...
I was trying to compile a modified version of this cosmological code called CAMB on Ubuntu WSL2 on Windows 11. I compile the code in the terminal and it shows the following: jose_lozano@Heisenberg:/mnt/c/Users/jaloz/OneDrive/Desktop/Numerical_codes/BDE_CAMB_ifort$ makemkdir -p Re...
I was trying to compile a modified version of this cosmological code called CAMB on Ubuntu WSL2 on Windows 11. I compile the code in the terminal and it shows the following: jose_lozano@Heisenberg:/mnt/c/Users/jaloz/OneDrive/Desktop/Numerical_codes/BDE_CAMB_ifort$ ma...
"Let Windows manage my default printer" disable via GPO "Need permission" when deleting files and folders on External Hard Drive, "take ownership" does not work. "Open Microsoft Edge with" is grayed greyed out, cannot change "Sync your settings" options are unavailable - linked account issue...
I was trying to compile a modified version of this cosmological code called CAMB on Ubuntu WSL2 on Windows 11. I compile the code in the terminal and it shows the following: jose_lozano@Heisenberg:/mnt/c/Users/jaloz/OneDrive/Desktop/Numerical_codes/BDE_CAMB_ifort$ makemkdir -p Re...
Batch files appear to start but don't fully execute on Windows 10 Task Scheduler BGInfo problem with different screen resolutions bit locker is enabled or disabled from list of machines Bitlocker - The PIN provided does not meet the minimum or maximum length requirements. Bitlocker and hardware ...
I was trying to compile a modified version of this cosmological code called CAMB on Ubuntu WSL2 on Windows 11. I compile the code in the terminal and it shows the following: jose_lozano@Heisenberg:/mnt/c/Users/jaloz/OneDrive/Desktop/Numerical_codes/BDE_CAMB_ifort$ makemkdir -p R...
Batch files appear to start but don't fully execute on Windows 10 Task Scheduler BGInfo problem with different screen resolutions bit locker is enabled or disabled from list of machines Bitlocker - The PIN provided does not meet the minimum or maximum length requirements. Bitlocker and hardware ...
Where is the default install location of the Microsoft App store in windows 10?Can I change this path?ThanksAll replies (1)Thursday, September 20, 2018 2:21 AM ✅AnsweredHello,Microsoft store downloads are all saved to C:\Program Files\WindowsApps. This is the default download location ...