Windows: wget --no-check-certificate -c --header"Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
mac系统自带的终端不支持lrzsz的,所以需要下载安装item2 下载地址:二. 安装brew ruby-e"$(curl -fsSL"brew在mac中就有点类似于linux中的yum 例: brewinstallwgetbrewinstalllrzsz 三. 安装iterm2-zmod...
I saw a toot on mastodon today talking about the program checkrestart. checkrestart, which is part of the debian-goodies package, can check and see which processes need to be restarted after an upgrade . So why is this cool, what does it do, and is it worth installing?
I saw a toot on mastodon today talking about the program checkrestart. checkrestart, which is part of the debian-goodies package, can check and see which processes need to be restarted after an upgrade . So why is this cool, what does it do, and is it worth installing?
wget Find a linux machine for testing Install promtail mkdir /opt/app/{promtail,loki} -pv # promtail配置文件 cat <<EOF> /opt/app/promtail/promtail.yaml ...
I tested it in a VM running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS where I installed Firefox nightly and Cockpit, hit the error (current stable Firefox seems fine at the moment). Then I ran the wget and apt commands above and refreshed the page, which worked. ...
What I suspect happened to me in the past was that, for some reason, sometimes Freetube wouldn’t release its locks when paused and minimized (while it normally does). Since I started checking that regularly before putting my laptop to sleep, I never had a case where I was unable to ge...
# If you are running a version of Linux that does not have the package # available from the distribution’s package provider, you can get tn5250 # from here (there’s even a windows version): # To connect, you’ll need to run something like this: ...
If we want to locate source of Linux command, use “-s” option. $ whereis -s whereis whereis: It locates source of “whereis” command, but source of “whereis” command does not exist in the system, so it did not display path for source of command in the system. ...