What does unspoiled mean? 30 related questions found What is the oldest swear word in the English language? Fart, as it turns out, is one of the oldest rude words we have in the language: Its first record pops up in roughly 1250, meaning that if you were to travel 800 years back in...
1. ( euphemism)la joroba(F) Robbie got in trouble for saying the f-word to Ana in class today. Is disheartened an emotion? Disheartened:Feeling that one has lost hope, enthusiasm or courage; a loss of spirit. What does very disconcerting mean?
Paul John does not seem to bottle a lot of single casks anymore, so most of the reviews that will appear on these pages in the future are bottles from my stash. These older single cask offerings will disappear more and more from retail shelves although they still do appear in auctions wit...
It doesn’t take a genius to see that we are in the last throes of Empire. Bloated and entitled, we are distracted from the world’s real problems by reality shows and fart jokes. When our hero Frank finds out that he has a brain tumor, in lieu of committing suicide he decides he...
the same company as my house and was supposed to get a lovely refund for switching but my gooey tub fart of a mailman (that’s a story for another post) sent it back as undeliverable even though the agent read me the address on the envelope and both my name and address were correct....
If the publisher is just getting by — which is most of them — then it comes down to developing a reputation, word-of-mouth enthusiasm, and luck. To summarize, reading forgotten books, and even writing and talking about them, does almost nothing to get anyone else to read them. Just...
“Of course it does,” she knew, “and he pretends he doesn’t see.” She enjoyed Hakuin’s mind so much, she went up and slapped him in the face and said, “You still don’t get it, you old fart.” Her thoughts were not really her thoughts, they just appeared without her ...
Imagine a serious performer giving a dramatic reading. He strides purposefully onto the stage and takes his position facing the audience. The murmur of the crowd settles. The performer takes a breath to begin, and looses a huge fart. This performance is now in such trouble it may never recov...
Whoopie Cushion Funny then, funny today. Who can resist a classic fart joke? YoYos eBay YoYos Yo, I know you remember these. They were the OG fidget spinners. So many hours spent mastering tricks so you could rule the playground.
Whoopie Cushion Funny then, funny today. Who can resist a classic fart joke? YoYos eBay YoYos Yo, I know you remember these. They were the OG fidget spinners. So many hours spent mastering tricks so you could rule the playground.