Cupp, describing in her response the “overtly conservative belief” she said Kohn was rejecting, entailed as succinct a conservative case for marriage equality ever there was: “…that marriage is a stabilizing social construct that should be encouraged…” That lawmakers might intend to use marria...
Where in the New Testament does it talk about marriage? Is Chronicles in the Old Testament? Where is Heaven mentioned in the Old Testament? Who is Amalek in the Old Testament? Where did the Old Testament saints go when they died?
Why does the Bible say that, in the end, all the nations fight against Israel? Is it because all the world is good, and the Jews are infidels, and it’s a just cause to finally wipe them off the face of the earth? Or is it because the world is evil and resents the Jews becau...
“Throughout history, the Jewish people demonstrated an understanding of the power of an effective greeting. Used more than two hundred times in the Bible, the word shalom (meaning peace or tranquility) was a word intentionally employed to greet others. In the story of the prodigal son we lea...
Peter Van Sant: And if I may quote one little passage from the Bible to you as a Pastor, "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." Pastor Connie Jackson-Osborne: Yes, he does and … It was funny when I found out he was wanted, 'cause he w...
because Dylan certainly doesn’t use it to be critical of it in any way. Actually he doubles down on the sexism and androcentrism of the song, going off on an extended riff about marriage and divorce, which ends up giving a shout out to polygamy. This is pretty distasteful, as is his...
Amy Lee, dark princess of The MeekThe Bible notoriously claims that “the meek shall inherit the earth.” It’s just the kind of statement that has led me to think that the good book’s teachings are a huge scam. When Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses, it’s pablum ...
and consigned to slavery, and excruciating torture. Some of these have had wives and children, dependent on them for bread; but of this, no account was made. The right of the hunter to his prey, stands superior to the right of marriage, and to all rights in this republic, the rights ...
In the end, Henry did some crazy church manipulation where he proclaimed himself Supreme Head of the Church of England and a “Divine leader,” and annulled his marriage with Catherine of Aragon. Then he told her to fuck off to a nunnery and married the young Anne Boleyn. Yeah, we all ...
strongmen and plundering their houses…it is a mind boggling experience. Having grown up in and around the Bible belt in the deep south, I heard similar notions throughout my formative years.When posed with a conversation of this nature, I can 100% understand why people walk away from God...