“Echoing the words used by Weston Board of Education chair Steve Ezzes in his recent message, we too are ‘full of sadness and frustration’ at the unacceptable repeated appearance of swastikas in the Weston Public Schools. These incidents occur in a context of rising antisemitism and a sens...
Miller points to the statement in the Talmud, Bava Batra 15B, “Whoever says thatMalkhat Sheva(lit. Queen of Sheba) refers to a woman is mistaken. Rather it means the Kingdom of Sheba.” The implication here is thatmalkhutdoes not refer to the reign of an individual king or queen, ra...
“Echoing the words used by Weston Board of Education chair Steve Ezzes in his recent message, we too are ‘full of sadness and frustration’ at the unacceptable repeated appearance of swastikas in the Weston Public Schools. These incidents occur in a context of rising antisemitism and a sens...