If you are married, “you don’t deserve this, you didn’t sign up for this, you need more and you need someone better, you can have someone younger, more beautiful, more sensitive to your needs, you can just scratch this whole thing and start over, everyone does it”… Have you ev...
And Jesus does make himself known to them after drawing near to them on the road, showing them how to read the words of scripture in light of new realities, and sitting at the table with them — their guest who becomes the host, taking, blessing, breaking, and giving bread. It’s wha...
kid-friendly adventure that captures the crazy energy of a blue alien that can run really fast being chased by Jim Carrey. And while this wouldn’t have been successful in the slightest if the effects weren’t updated, the film does everything adequately, if rather simply. For a kids film...
The problem with using the word ‘theory’ in this case is that scientists usually use it to mean a well-substantiated explanation of data…such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Newton’s Theory of Gravity. Evolution theory does not deserve to be in the same building as those. Evolut...
occur with young men between the ages of 15 and 24. This has given me the awesome opportunity to provide family and peer support, to give back and encourage the families that it does get better. I do that as much as I can, as it's a privilege and an honor that they allow me to...