attempts at scripted dialogue and storyline, and a reality that outdoes any reality show ever as it was reality filmed as a movie – but maybe not always intentionally – a very Acid Western filmed in Peru. Considered one of the Best and one of the Worst Movies ...
Then there is the ironic “ugly-sexy” style of beauty – someone who does not have characteristics that meet beauty standards, but something about them makes them highly attractive. It may be their personality, their mannerisms, or just the uniqueness of their physical characteristics. This won...
Ring in the New Year at the historic Napa Valley Opera House and rock out to indie music mainstays as JaM Ballroom and Blue Note Napa host a New Year’s Eve concert with Shannon and the Clams, known for their feel-good, vintage-infused, garage-psych sound that incorporates elements of do...
Sofia is growing into a beautiful little toddler. She loves to observe and discover. I can almost hear thoughts going through her mind: ‘How does this lock work?.. Can I climb there?.. What if I try to pull on this?..’ Ahhh… We are never bored! At 16 months, Sofia is super ...
is instantly recognizable the band talking about the take they just played) is a clever device that helps keep this looseness present and dominant throughout even the most complex songs, though Paparazzi’s yeah-I-can-sing-but-I’m-not-going-to-exert-myself delivery does a lot of the work...
MAUGHAN: Right, because we’re bad at maintaining the rest of the context. You know this, and I don’t know if I can describe it well, but there is this video of people passing basketballs back and forth. So, in these videos — and this was in my Intro to Psych class — they sa...
I was sent to a psych as a prerequisite to the physical care. I was led to believe and which is also noted in my records and letters I have on hand that I was required to complete this step. I did. Worker’s Comp then denied payment for these services and then denied follow up vi...
Aphrodite: Singular souls, no. Even animals have multi-part souls. But technically you’re correct: we Gods don’t havepsychaieither, as those are only created at the moment of death, and our kind are deathless. Well, most of us are. But like humans, parts of our souls can come loos...
What are some ideas of places you might find microbes that live in unusual physical environments around your house? How would we classify that microbe? For example, microbes that can live in the refrigerator are psychrophiles. What structures of the embryonic and adult anatomy of ...
completely ineffective in creating a culture of innovation. As is often the case, the voice of popular culture and fad-ridden management books wins out over the voice of scientific research. Jargonfilled, densely written journal papers are harder to access than the pop-psych books filling the...