Where Does My Water Come From? Do you get your water from a private well or public water system and how does this affect the testing requirements for your water supply? Private Wells Private wells are typically located on your property and provide water to your home only. In some cases, ...
Where's My Water? 关注 8.5 万 厂商 Disney 游戏介绍 上次更新于2023/06/02 益智 简介获取这款被评为“年度最佳游戏”的解谜游戏! 帮助小顽皮把水引到他的浴池。每个关卡是一道富有挑战性的、基于物理原理的谜题,蕴含了不可思议、栩栩如生的机械力学原理。挖通土壤引导干净水、脏水、毒水、水蒸汽、泥水通过...
「鳄鱼小顽皮爱洗澡-Where's My Water?」是一款手机游戏,游戏中讲述的是住在城市下面的鳄鱼小顽皮(Swampy)希望过上人类一样的生活,非常喜欢干净。可那里最厉害的一只鳄鱼大顽固(Cranky)不满小顽皮的怪癖,与其他鳄鱼密谋破坏小顽皮的水源供应,玩家需要帮助小顽皮避开毒水、水藻和各种各样的陷阱,把清水引到他...
Where's My Water? 1.18.9.apk Get the GAME OF THE YEAR award-winning puzzler!Help Swampy by guiding water to his broken shower. Each level is a challenging physics-based puzzle wit -
The sequel to the most addicting physics-based puzzler from Disney has finally arrived. Where’s My Water? 2 launches with three brand new locations including the Sewer, the Soap Factory, the Beach. Best of all, the puzzles are all free! Cut through dirt, and guide fresh water, purple wa...
Because of the in-app purchases, caution is in order when allowing your kids to play - but other than that, Where's My Water is a perfect family game. I won't touch the sequel with its dreadful freemium structure, because the original is by far the best. ...
住在城市下面鳄鱼Swampy希望过上人一样的生活。他尤其喜欢干净。鳄鱼Cranky对Swampy的怪癖并不感冒,密谋破坏Swampy的水源供应。帮助Swampy把水引到他的浴池! 《鳄鱼小顽皮爱洗澡》是一部基于物理原理的解谜游戏,视网膜显示图像,多点触控及出色的音质效果。要想成功,您需要很聪明,另外还要小心藻类、有毒软泥,机关和陷阱。
Where’s My Water? is a challenging physics-based puzzler complete with vibrant graphics, intuitive controls, and a sensational soundtrack. To be successful, you need to be clever and keep an eye out for algae, toxic ooze, triggers, and traps. • AMAZING LIFELIKE FLUID PHYSICS Go with ...
没错,这款游戏便是《Where's My Water?》,国内译作《鳄鱼小顽皮爱洗澡》。(因主角名为“Swampy”,这款游戏还有一个名字便叫做《Swampy》) 游戏介绍 相信没有人会对此游戏感到陌生,即便你没有真正去体验过这款游戏,那你也一定听说过这款游戏的大名,或是见到自己的朋友、同学曾经在某小游戏页面中玩过,其在国...
When does the band start playing this evening? (合并为一句) Could you tell usthe bandplaying this evening? 8. The teachers are still talking about where they will hold the concert.(改为简单句) The teachers are still talking abouthold the concert. 9. Why was the train late again? I ...