Created by Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner, Fallout introduced us to a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland where rival factions and mutant creatures run amok. Here, an optimistic Vault dweller named Lucy (Ella Purnell), a Brotherhood of Steel novice named Maximus (Aaron Moten), and an...
Neil Young, Eric Clapton. Van Morrison. But there were other people I didn’t know at all, like The Band. At a certain point in the concert, Robbie Robertson says, ladies and gentlemen…Muddy Waters. And I saw this old black guy coming on ...
and illnesses. I felt the same way the day I cried my eyes out with relief and sadness, while holding my oldest son and hearing that his diagnosis came by as positive for Chronic Lyme Disease. But, on a positive note, like Phil Robertson says, “Now We are Cooking With Peanut Oil”!