On the face of things, no two fields of R&D more naturally lend themselves to quantum advantage than materials design and drug discovery. Even if some experts dispute whether quantum computers will have an advantage in modeling the properties of quantum systems, there is no question that the sho...
No Commentson Breaking: Goldman Sachs’ view of the election Goldman Sachs shares with its wealthy clients various views of the market. Here, they’ve taken on the election in terms of markets. It’s an interesting read,here. Categories ...
You are currently posting as works at Goldman Sachs Does anyone know how much newly promoted associates will be getting this year? Base pay or increment percentage. 1 reactions Like 1 Comment Share 5Y an Associate ▸ Strategy You are currently posting as works at Ass...
“Investors have ridden that wave this year and we start 2020 in a very different place. As a result, we may see investors deciding to move down the curve to meet their absolute return hurdles.” DURATION EXTENSION? Does that mean they will head down the maturity curve as well as the yi...
portfolio optimization in the short term and risk analytics in the long term. Investment money has already started to flow to startups, with Goldman Sachs and Fidelity investing in full-stack companies such as D-Wave, while RBS and Citigroup have invested in software players such as 1QBit an...