Where Does the Waste Go?A letter to the editor is presented in response to the article "Leftover Drugs in the Water Supply: Don't Flush Those Pills!" published in the August 2010 issue of "Environments and Health."MasonDianaJ.EBSCO_AspAmerican Journal of Nursing...
But where does our rubbish go?可知此处为问句。2.由后文It means that less rubbish ends up in landfills. Landfills can also be bad for the environment.可知此处指的是如果我们回收了更多的垃圾,就会有更少的垃圾在垃圾填埋场被掩埋,从而环境破坏也会减少。3.后文讲述的是一些外国的国家很少在垃圾填埋场...
choose a model that is designed for a long life. It should be durable and withstand wear and tear and be possible to repair and upgrade. Try to use your products for as long as possible. This is the single most effective thing you can do to minimize e-waste and its negative effects ...
Granted, organic matter naturally decomposes, so the disposal of rotten tomatoes is a more benign habit than the waste dispensing of glass bottles that could easily be recycled. Nonetheless, composting is another process of green living that helps make the world more efficient, and it does make ...
But where does our rubbish go?It doesn't just sit in the rubbish bin. Every day, workers come to take the rubbish from our rubbish bins. They put it into a big truck and carry it to landfills(垃圾填埋场). At the landfill, people sort(分类)the rubbish. They recycle some, burn some...
November 29, 2022 Furniture & Wood, Construction Did you know BASF does floorcare? Cost-effective solutions for floor maintenance in retail and other high-traffic spaces Read More November 29, 2022 Furniture & Wood, Construction Carpet still on top When it comes to the major floor covering ...
Butwheredoesourrubbishgo? Itdoesn'tjustsitintherubbishbin. Everyday, workerscometotaketherubbishfromourrubbishbins. Theyputitinto a bigtruckandcarryittolandfills (垃圾填埋场). Atthelandfill, peoplesort(分类)therubbish. Theyrecyclesome, burnsomeandbury(埋)someofitunderground. 2 Itmeansthatless...
However, for others, many students may play games while studying and waste their precious time.It is possible that students become addicted to phones, which has a severe impact on their study. What's worse, too much screen time does great...
For years, clay has been the go-to product for spill containment simply because it was cheap and did the job. While clay, also referred to as diatomaceous earth, sand or kitty litter, will always have a place in in spill containment, if ... ...
Where does all this rubbish go? Scientists have made a (an) of the different ways of dealing with rubbish. The worst ways are at the bottom and are at the top.At the bottom of the pyramid is waste disposal (丢弃). This means simply putting rubbish in waste-yards. Waste-yards produce...