What It's About: Taking place in a fantasy world and featuring ingenuitive puppets, The Dark Crystal follows two Gelflings as they travel across a magical world to overthrow a dark ruler by trying to restore a crystal. Why It's One Of The Best Free Movies Streaming: While the film itsel...
An idealistic teen from rural Texas embarks on the adventure of a lifetime when she decides to leave behind starry nights for big city lights. Thrilled to be on her own and determined not to be intimidated by New York City, she accepts a job as nanny for a high-profile couple with fou...
Delicious in Dungeon is set in a fantasy world. The story follows a group of dungeon-exploring characters who experience a heart-breaking loss when they try to slay a red dragon. They need to return to the dungeons, but they're low on supplies. That's when they meet a dwarf called Sen...
Disney has introduced some new opportunities to interact with some villains during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. Here’s where you can find them (more details on each below): Cruella de Vil(Main Street Bypass) Evil Queen(Fantasyland) ...
For a lot of MCU fans, he's the first big villain, and therefore, a fan-favorite. While he is complicated and interesting, I always wonder why the MCU isn't ready to move away from his character to spotlight others. That being said, Tom Hiddleston does some fantastic work in this ...
Ryan Murphy FX Series To Stream Exclusively On Hulu, 'American Crime Story' And 'Pose' To Leave Netflix ByAbby MonteilMarch 3, 2022, 11:29 a.m. ET The two FX series will joinAmerican Horror Storyon the Disney-owned streamer. Every TV Show and Movie Ryan Murphy Has in Development in ...
Welcome to yAdult Review, a space where two girls review novels from across the genres, from YA and MG, to fantasy and sci-fi, to historical fiction and mystery, with a sprinkling of non-fiction too. We hope you enjoy your stay here as much as we enjoy o
The series tells the story of an alien race called the San-Ti, who have been forced to leave their home planet and are several hundred years away from landing on their new home: Earth. 3 Body Problem is impressive because it asks some pretty big questions of the universe while also ...
the security car below slowly making its way up around the same old world cobble-stoned street they were just on. They were pretty high up and the excitement of eluding “the enemy” was very cool indeed. This whole trip was escalating into a real-life psychedelic fantasy real-life ...
Earlier this year, you might have spotted Longstreet as a cult leader in Prime Video's gigantically imaginative fantasy series I'm a Virgo. But Flaniacs will recognize this character actor for several reasons. He played opposite Gish as Mr. Dudley in The Haunting of Hill House, then a drun...