Take Rumseld's attempt to transform the cold-war military into one geared for the future. It's innovative but deeply threatening to almost everyone in Washington. The Defense secretary did not try to sell it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, the budget office of the White House. As...
we would quickly be up in arms. However, when the wealthy begin haemorrhaging cash, they pick up their phones andcall all those congressmen they ownand tell them in no uncertain terms to make it stop!
Tax dollars are collected by the federal government and apportioned by Congress in the federal budget to fund various governmental programs.
However, the risk here is political. I don’t have any confidence in either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris to continue this antitrust regime, and they will both be tempted to settle this case, and others like it, on the cheap. Congress won’t be happy if they do that, and neither wil...
It doesn’t matter if the target is in a 15-story building with hundreds of innocent civilians, or one flat with the “target” and his family. “The massive bombing of densely populated areas by our best men, serving in the most moral army in the world, has become routine, at least...
“I probably owe him a big hug and a steak dinner,” Bednar said of Roy. “Everyone does what’s right for them personally, but for me, it just opened a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” After the Avalanche won the Stanley Cup in 2022, Roy t...
If you’re a regular reader, you may have noticed us laying low for the last couple of months, as we’ve been focusing on teaching, recovering from our latest issue, Scenario 4: Building the Urban Forest, and taking a bit of time to recuperate and refocus on our primary mission — ...
It doesn’t matter if the target is in a 15-story building with hundreds of innocent civilians, or one flat with the “target” and his family. “The massive bombing of densely populated areas by our best men, serving in the most moral army in the world, has become routine, at least...
(Reuters) - Russia's defence ministry said on Friday its missiles hit a weapons depot near the eastern Ukrainian city of Popasna and hit 31 areas where Ukrainian forces were deployed, RIA news agency reported. It also said Russian forces shot down one Ukrainian SU-27...
Congress, at the insistence of congressional leaders, returned to the Capitol building that evening to continue the count. “Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on January 6 — he did. But let us not forget who saved democracy that day — we did,” Pelosi said. “Jan. 6 rem...