Your customer’s billing information says he’s Clark Kent, who lives in Smallville in the United States. But, he wants to purchase $100,000 worth of electronics on your website from an IP address located in the Ukraine. Should you fulfill his order or flag it for further investigation as...
(1999) Clark Kent or Superman: where is the phone booth for landscape ecology? Landscape ecological analysis: issues and applications (ed. by J.M. Klopatek and R.H. Gardner), pp. 11-23. Springer-Verlag, New York.Hobbs RJ (1999) Clark Kent or Superman: where is the phone booth for...
(And if he does, I wouldn’t be averse to having a nice, looooong chat with him about it at this year’s TCM Film Festival! Ha!) If you could pick a movie to be in, which one would it be, and which part would you play? What is your most memorable movie-watching experience?
I was watching a superhero film the other day and a thought occurred to me: where does Superman get changed these days? In the comics and earlier films, Clark Kent would pop into a phone box to change into his Superman costume. But these days, phone boxes are hard to find. The main...
That’s what she does most of the time. The rest of the time she bickers and argues, and gets involved in petty office politics with pathetic, petty little people. That’s why this label’s releases sink faster than Sir Sneer and Rachel, The Junior From Accounts’ ratings. These ...
This program has taken her to Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta Georgia for academic and leadership courses that she'll be able to apply to her work back home. Plus, it will afford her numerous networking opportunities to continue growing...
[教材原文]WhereDoesSUPERMANGetChangedTheseDays?Iwaswatchingasuperherofilmtheotherdayandathoughtoccurredtome:wheredoesSupermangetchangedthesedays?Inthecomicsandearlier films,ClarkKentwouldpopintoaphoneboxtochangeintohisSupermancostume.Butthesedays,phoneboxesarehardtofind.Themainreasonforthisissimplythatwedon't...
Without greater depth in understanding why, when, and how self-care interventions work, these interventions will be guesswork and the outcomes of self-care interventions will remain disappointing. First, we briefly describe global achievements in self-care research to date and then reflect on ...
The cast does some serious work between escape attempts: Sam Worthington shines as the obnoxious but extremely useful Neil, Stephen Curry is a delight as a major camera show-off, John Jarratt (yep, he's here!) plays a grieving widower, a tiny Mia Wasikowska plays a teen with her parents...
In 1854, Clara resigned. She became so distressed at having been passed over for the principalship that she became very ill and was unable to speak or to work. Finally, Clara and another teacher left New Jersey and boarded a train to Washington to find work as governesses. ...