When she first shows up to the Vineyard, Madeleine doesn’t exactly know what to expect. She knows nothing of the island, or the people she’s going to stay with, or the type of lifestyle that requires a summer residence and a winter residence. But she does have an imagination. And w...
What does cat hairball look like? Hairballs usually come out some shade of their fur witha brown, green, or orange tintbecause they are made up of your cat's hair, discolored by stomach acid, and mixed with mucus or dyed with cat food. How do indoor cats get rid of hairballs? A t...
In both the US and Canada, there is not regulating body sending out people to inspect the fish to ensure it is the right “grade”, like what we would see for grades of beef or chicken. What “sushi grade” does mean is that the fish has been held at a particular (cold) ...
Uoriki was definitely the most memorable and most fatty. For the tuna set, I preferred the nigiri because you could really taste the textures and flavours of the fish while Chantelle liked the maki more because of the combination of