delay income and amass debt while working toward a traditional college degree, or put off education completely to take a low-paying job with limited chances for advancement. but there is a way to address these enormous challenges – and now is the time to do so. our country's gover...
While clearly not a perfect correlation match (79% to be exact, according to Nautilus), the price action does appear to be largely similar. Thus, I'm going to opine that we've got a possible historical "rhyme" going here - well, through 1/17/19 anyway. For me, the key takeaway fro...
By January 2021, Tesla's market capitalization was over $800 billion, making it one of the world's most valuable automakers.This occurred even though Tesla produced only about 509,000 vehicles in 2020, far fewer than traditional automakers like Toyota and Volkswagen. When Demand in a Stock Dro...
How much does cashmere fabric cost? Cashmere varies widely in price<. Wool from cashmere goats that are bred in a megalithic Chinese factory might be low-grade and cheap, but most traditional cashmere producers charge much higher prices. In the cashmere industry as in most parts of life, yo...
This is Dubai Marina, a constructed area north of Jebel Ali Beach, south of Jumeirah Beach. “The Beach” and The Dubai wheel “Ain Dubai”, are adjacent. Transcontinental countries also exist. Turkey lies between Europe and Asia, as does Russia (Eurasia), but the United Arab Emirates is ...
" A revolutionary movement does not spread by contamination / But by resonance / Something that constitutes itself here / Resonates with the shock wave given off by something that constituted itself elsewhere / The body that resonates does so in its ow
The diverse types and mechanisms of violence mutually affect the complexities of not only operating in different firms and industries but also across varying cultures and institutions. This does not allow for easy categorization. We hone in on a single dimension: the Knightian distinction between risk...
H1 jewelry demand was 338 tons, a 122 percent increase year-over-year and 6 percent increase over H1 2019, amid a strengthening Chinese economy and increasing disposable incomes. Meanwhile, struggles in the Indian market—a huge player when it comes to gold jewelry—greatly impacted the...
Where does this leave the likes of Extinction Rebellion? Over the last year I’ve been amazed by the scale of the protests in London, Berlin and cities around the world, which exceed every previous effort. It feels like it a tipping point, and it ought to be, because one is long overd...
“How does the public perceive you?” I asked. “In Europe, they are treated like movie stars. Over here the jockey is just another person, and in sports, the jockey is low. I wish we had more respect, but we don’t get the publicity.” ...