5) Is there anything you want to change about your school? 建议阅读顺序: 一、读题+思考 二、对照中文思路,尝试自己表达 三、听录音,看不明白的地方,对照文本。 雅思口语 Part 1雅思口语Schools音频 ( 2023.1-4月雅思口语新题|Part 1 - Small businesses|录音demo) 01 Where do you go to school? 【...
where do you go to school雅思口语 在雅思口语考试中,问题 "Where do you go to school?"(你在哪里上学?)通常用于了解考生的教育背景。以下是一个可能的回答范例: I completed my primary and secondary education in [City/Place], where I attended [Name of School]. After that, I pursued my higher...
Do you like your teachers? 你喜欢你的老师吗? Well, it is hard to generalize. Some of my professors are exceptionally captivating. I mean, their classes are humorous, engaging, and full of interesting knowledge. But there are also others who just read the words in textbooks or PPTs to mudd...
where do you go to school雅思口语 摘要: I.问题背景 - 雅思口语考试的重要性 - 考生对学校话题的关注 II.回答思路 - 简单介绍自己的学校 - 描述学校的特点和优势 - 谈论在学校的学习和生活经历 - 表达自己对学校的看法和感受 III.具体回答 - 介绍自己的学校名称、位置和类型 - 描述学校的规模、设施和...
【雅思口语打卡39】Should children go to the school nearest to where they live?看海东耳 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多25 -- 1:14 App 【雅思口语打卡43】In what ways are humans different from other animals? 82 -- 1:16 App 【雅思口语打卡13】What do you think of the ...
129. Learn Italian Fast Phrases - Where do you like to go for your holidays是【油管搬运】【600+集意大利语教程】Learn Italian with ItalianPod101.com的第129集视频,该合集共计664集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
雅思口语真题速递 | transport :how do you go to school ?well as for me , I take a subway to go to school on a day to day basis since where I live is a little bit distant from where I study , say 20 miles which makes walking or biking kind of unrealistic , a underground train ...
5) Do you know any of your neighbors? 6) Are the people in your neighborhood nice and friendly? 雅思口语Part 1高频话题 PLACE 1. Crowded place [new] 1) ls the city where you live crowded? 2) ls there a crowded place near where you live?
2. Do you prefer to study alone or with others? Why? I prefer to study alone because I need to be able to concentrate fully. Other people are a distraction. 3. Where do you prefer to go when you need to study? Why? I like to find a quiet corner in my local library; being in...