Anal Pap smearHigh resolution anoscopyHIVHPVPatient educationYour healthcare provider has recommended that you get an anal Pap smear. This simple, painless, inexpensive test is a way to screen for abnormal pre-cancerous cells that may line your anal canal. Physicians have long realized that ...
There’s a chance that I blew this whole red-hat thing out of proportion. When I see the other red hat I get an instant rush of fight or flight, but that doesn’t mean those red hatted people are going to confront me. Or it doesn’t mean they are more likely to confront me than...
1:10 p.m.— Time for his nap. I escape to run errands and open a new bank account with ScotiaBank to get their $350 bonus. You need a minimum balance of $5000 in the account or else you pay a $30 (!!) monthly fee, to pay 1 bill for $50, and have two Pre-Authorized debit...
Forty-two-point-four percent of Japanese women aged 20–69 had a Pap smear in the past two years, while 60.7% of target women had Pap smear in the past three years on average across OECD countries [15]. Furthermore, Japan’s once enviable 70% HPV vaccination rate has fallen to almost...