Good for us Gators to see how much even the playoff players/coaches make gaffes * SpacinGator 12/21/2024 - 7:57 p.m. (2/2) Hmmm. UTx couldn't execute the Gator fumblerooski. * Danda 12/21/2024 - 7:34 p.m. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Manning would have been the on...
Senator John Kennedy had asked: “OK. You make a lot of money. Do you?” Altman responded:“I make no… I get paid enough for health insurance. I have no equity in OpenAI,” elaborating that: “I’m doing this ’cause I love it.” The senators ate it up. Altman wasn’t telling...
Seeing my ex-husband four years after the ink dried on our divorce papers was not part of my plan. Returning to the small town where we’d grown up and fallen in love to rebuild my life at the exact time he’d chose to do the same thing wasn’t part of my plan either. It was,...
You are having abortions because you had sex for fun; you didn’t want to have babies. You’re using birth control, which Rick Santorum has a problem with, because you’re having sex for the wrong reasons, which is 99.99 percent of the sex that human beings have, which is for fun an...
It's not always the case in life, but when it comes to downhill skiing, bigger is indeed better. So if you want to strap on a pair of skis and stay close to home, where are you going to get the most bang for your buck in the Tri-State area?
"Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks." – Stephen Hawking So, how do we avoid the risks? How do we direct AI to advance human growth? The discussion begins here ... AI...
And the harper replied, “Tell me something, McCabe. Tell me this: Which do you think is harder—to make dark songs in the darkness, or to make brilliant ones that shine through the gloom?”[ix] Provencal moon. Photograph by the author. ...
5. Don’t forget to ask the most serious question of all: “Do you already have masks and gloves? This will lesson the expense of your joint family baseball tournament if their pitcher and ump already own such costly sports equipment!
I am going to leave you with the below meme : Cheers, DKD I saw the Chelsea game yesterday. When I saw the starting line-up, I was pretty confused since it’s not always that one starts a novice against a team like Chelsea (credit to Wenger in trusting this young lad Niles – the...
friends, the next day she is rude. Then suddenly she is ghosting her online friends. Her behavior and her lies got on my nerves. At one point, she starts dating Nash. And she still continues to feel insecure about him liking her online persona more. Umm, you two are the same person!