Where is Judaism mainly located? Where is there asceticism in the Old Testament? Where was The Wedding Feast at Cana made? Where do the Egyptian gods live? Where is the Emerald Buddha? Do Pagans practice witchcraft? What is Chumash culture? Where did Wicca come from? Where was Scientology ...
What religion do Amish people practice? Where did all the Greek gods live? Is Paganism growing? Who was a Pagan? How many Pagans are there in the world? Where was Salem according to the Old Testament? What religion is Native American spirituality?
You will hear me speak of Zionism. Please note I am referring to the Khazarians that took on the cloak of Judaism around 800AD. They are the masters of impersonation and have a long, dark history of deception.… yes, there will be more on this, too.If you don’t know what I am ...
There was nothing in Judaism which was in conflict with Christianity. Jesus, the Christ, was also the perfect Jew. So one could be a good Jew and a Christian at the same time. The focus remained on how God wanted His people to behave....
Historically, Moses is a central figure in Judaism, having received the Law on Mount Sinai, which forms the foundation of Jewish religious practice. This acknowledgment of Moses' authority is crucial, as it sets the stage for the contrast they draw between Moses and Jesus. but we do not ...
Instead of working to establish morals and ethics in his nation by making a serious attempt to practice Torah Judaism, King Bulan and his top staff actually were inducted into the Black Arts and Black Magic of Babylonian Talmudism, better known as Baal worship or Satanism. Externally this looks...
http://www.reformjudaism.org/practice/prayers-blessings/shabbat-blessings-hamotzi-blessing-over-bread-mealI hope that you have a sense of blessing and abundance in your life, and that you take time to regularly give thanks to God for being such a generously loving God. And I also hope ...
Mayyim Hayyim emerged from a need in the Boston Jewish community, Childers explains. In 2001, the only local option for people who were converting to Judaism was an Orthodox mikveh with minimal capacity for non-Orthodox conversions. Writer Anita Diamant, author of the novelThe Re...
No, Joe. You are not “changing people’s lives.” The American taxpayers are and you are just using your illegally-obtained power to make us do it. There is no “WE” are changing people’s lives. If I am a school principal and use my authority to force a child to split his lunc...