3. (subordinating) in the place at which: where we live it's always raining. n (usually plural) a question as to the position, direction, or destination of something [Old English hwǣr, hwār(a); related to Old Frisian hwēr, Old Saxon, Old High German hwār, Old Norse, Gothic...
Germanic people believed that the Norse god Odin kept two ravens that would spy and listen on people’s chimneys to find out and report who was good and bad. Sounds a bit like the elf on the shelf, right? During the Yule holiday celebration (December – January) Odin, described as ...
in or at what place?: Where is he? Where do you live? in what position or circumstances?: Where do you stand on this question? Without money, where are you? in what particular respect, way, etc.?: Where does this affect us?
experience, go through, see - go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam"6.know - accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"; "We do not ...
Where do Hobbits go when they die?Hobbit Life:The Hobbits are the central characters of Tolkein's Lord of the Rings. They are a simple people who live by farming and enjoy peace and quiet, eating good food, and avoiding the problems of other races....
Where do the gods live in Egyptian mythology? Do Pagans believe in Jesus? Is Islam a Pagan religion? What is a Shinto place of worship called? How do Hindus worship? Do Pagans believe in Hell? How old is Norse Paganism? Where was animism founded? What is a Pagan priest? When does the...
However, the Sámi people do have a degree of self-determination and are working towards increasing it. Is there a Lapland flag? Yes, the Sámi flag was approved as the official flag of Lapland in August 1992. It was designed by Sámi artist, Astrid Båhl. ...
Ethnic Sami are referred to a Finns in the Norse sagas. They are traditionally nomads in the mountainous and forested interior of upper Scandinavia who herd reindeer. What percentage of Sweden speaks English? Although more than 80 percent of people in Sweden do speak English, you might still co...
“Now do you understand?” R. Mordechai explained. “The people in Anipoli go to the greatest specialist in the world. They pray to G‑d. He is the one Who cures us all.” And then informs us: The numerical value of thesamech, the fifteenth letter of thealef-beis, is sixty. ...
o Dead Norsemen Go? Where Do Dead Norsemen Go?Where Do Dead Norsemen Go?A letter to the editor is presented in response to Neal Ascherson's article on Greenlanders in the October 18, 2007 issue.BerglundJoelEBSCO_AspLondon Review of Books...