If cities are to thrive they need a constant flow of young people, both from elsewhere in the country and abroad. That flow will be reduced if young people are priced out. Cities also need affordable housing for those who keep it ticking it over: restaurant staff, police officers and nurse...
“We’re looking at that, because we have yard waste in the city,” says Doherty. “Picking up leaves in the fall, grass in the spring. We do that out in the open with the leaves, turn it over and residents come and pick that up once or twice a year. The bottom-line success of...
I have skipped on Senior Skip Day since I was a soph. But this year was different. We thought that maybe we could prove to you that we appreciate all the things you have done for us. It isn’t so bad to go to school. Thank you for everything Mr. Calkins. You’re the greatest....
seven days a week, you can do what you bloody well choose,” Eva Wotton reminds herself at the start of Argument with the East Wind (1986), the last of Joan O’Donovan’s three novels about older single women trying to find the place in the world that fits them. “...
We then voted in new officers, Thank you everyone for your commitment to our guild. With a special thanks to Kate Gawler for her leadership as President for the challenging few years and Carmen for years of work as our VP of Membership. In 2024 Evie and Nancy will be taking over as Co...
1% of profit shares are shared with members who learn. Everyone pays to learn something; including college students, retirees, and those gainfully employed. Earn profit shares when you: Send your learning experience to: Hobbies and Jobs Trainigs Topics ...
Speaking of police: Westport officers made 1 custodial arrest between January 1 and 8. A 21-year-old Bridgeport man was charged with illegal possession of personal ID information, identity theft, and conspiracy to commit both crimes, after an investigation that began with an armed hijacking in ...
According to the “real-time” digital sign, the wait was supposed to be “up to 5 minutes”. Clearly, the sign lied. I waited in line with hundreds of other motorists for almost half an hour until reaching a pair of border patrol officers ready to ask me dozens of questions like, “...
aviators, said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., As we explore and employ a variety of tools to assist in the production, retention and absorption of aviators, these incentives are one element of ensuring we have the force to meet current and future mission requirements. The ...
One set of grandparents has quit speaking to her. In advance of her 10-year high school reunion, some former classmates, after learning she was in a relationship with a woman, have posted Bible verses on her Facebook page. “We haven’t been openly harassed as a couple but if looks cou...