What I love about Aurora Rose Reynolds’ books is that she just makes them so enjoyable. They are truly like coming home. They feel welcoming, they feel like the place I’m meant to be. I love getting to journey with her characters no matter the world or story, and this one was no ...
You do something wrong; you need to do five things right。 It's not This book took me on an amazing journey。 A broken family finds their way back to equilibrium through a woman who truly understands what it takes to move from being broken to being whole。 The strength and generosity ...
I got a 3G iPad but I got the lowest data plan, 250MB for $15. Should I have gotten more data? Does it use data to read a book? Can I read a book on the airplane or do I have to be connected to the Internet to read a book? Can I read a Kindle book on my iPad if ...
All the information you need to experience Minnesota's parks is in one volume! This book includes at least four pages of information on each park, maps of the parks and trails, tips for what to see and do and places to record your own notes。
SFRSS: Do you have an ideal ‘bishōnen’ in your books? Kat Vancil:I’d love to meet my character Travis Centrina from myMarked OnesTrilogy. I first created him back in 2010 and he’s remained my favorite character of those I’ve ever written. Travis is a fantastic dancer, a lover...
I do love a good descriptive literary fiction where the writing transports you to the setting in the novel and this is what Where Wild Peaches Grow is! The characters were believable, relatable and developed well。 I was rooting for everybody that needed to be rooted for。 This is ...