Now, what to do about the crown? I don’t have a replacement stem but what I did find is a stem extender. This sort of solution rarely fits the bill but it’s perfect for this scenario. I just thread the extension onto the existing stem and them trim the extension to the proper ...
It started, as many great ideas do, with a song. For Sam Rosenthal, designer of Where Cards Fall, a thought-provoking puzzle game from the first wave ofApple Arcadelaunch titles, the song was Radiohead's House of Cards. "I really was taken by the metaphor, but I took it very...
” Pansy says. “That was the game that first really got me hooked into going to LANs, going to events, sitting down for hours doing anti-strats, and Activision were nowhere to be found at that time. They had – not the perfect competitive game – but they...