12 /ROPEWAYS & GONDOLAS OF YAMANOUCHI/ (almost) all year round After a short break following the end of the ski reason, three ropeways will begin to operate again and in doing so, provide access to some of the higher reaches of the mountains, leisurely walking trails, and outstanding vie...
26 / SUMMER ROPEWAYS & GONDOLAS OF HAKUBA / May to November Most famous for its fantastic ski resorts, the mountains of Hakuba are just as big in green season and offer lots of reasons to visit. Busy ferrying skiers and snowboarders up the ski resorts in winter, several of Hakuba’s ...
ResortSize (hectares)Elevation (metres)Vertical (metres)GondolasLiftsSki RunsBeginnerIntermediateAdvancedLongest RunSteepest RunBackcountrySeason Resort Size (hectares) Elevation (metres) Vertical (metres) Gondolas Lifts Ski Runs Beginner Intermediate Advanced Longest Run Steepest Run Backcountry Season Shiga...