A few people that were friends were happy for me but most of the people did not care because they did not pay any attention to the fact that I was sick to begin with. So anyhow I’m taking this dream as some encouragement. Posted in Uncategorized dream about walking •April 19, ...
You will hear me speak of Zionism. Please note I am referring to the Khazarians that took on the cloak of Judaism around 800AD. They are the masters of impersonation and have a long, dark history of deception.… yes, there will be more on this, too.If you don’t know what I am ...
Gol Kalev is the author of the new bookThe Assault on Judaism: The Existential Threat Is Coming from the West. He is chairman of the Judaism 3.0 Think Tank and author ofJudaism 3.0: Judaism’s Transformation to Zionism.
“Individual bees or ants are incapable of functioning alone; they cannot reproduce; they cannot find food. They exist only as units within a larger whole. Put these units together, and suddenly, as if by magic, they begin differentiating, each individual performing a specific task according to...