Where did you go on your vacation, Julie? I stayed at home. Oh. So, did you do anything interesting? No, I didn't. Did you study for your tests? Yes, I did. Did you go out with anyone? No. No one...
4537 -- 10:04 App Where did you go on vacation?听说课 1023 -- 7:25 App 八上Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 1万 -- 1:30 App 八上unit1 Where did you go on vacation 3757 1 7:22 App (完整版,附逐字稿)人教版英语初中八下unit1 where did you go on vacation 听说课 教师...
1. —Where did you go on vacation? 你到哪里去度假了? —I went to New York City. 我去了纽约城。 2. —Did you go out with anyone? 你出去带人吗? —No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 不,没...
Wheredidyougoonvacation?Hevisitedmuseums.博物馆 Hevisitedhisaunt.拜访他的姑姑 visitor拜访者 vvisitsb:拜访;看望visitsp:参观;游览 nIt'smyfirstvisittoNewYork.参观 夏令营Theywenttoasummercamp.Hewenttothemountains.MountLu 爬山 Shewenttothebeach.沙滩 Hestayedathome.呆在家 ShewenttoNewYorkCity.Wheredidthey...
Role-playconversationsbetweenGrace,KevinandJulie.A:Grace,wheredidyougoonvacation?B:IwenttoNewYorkCity.A:Oh,really?Didyougowithanyone?B:Yes,Iwentwithmymother.talk DidyouseeHuangguoshuWaterfall?黄果树瀑布 Role-playtheconversation.2d 1.TomandMary___(come)toChinalastmonth.2.Mydaughter___(notgo)toschool...
这是部编版八年级英语上册电子课本的Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?章节,本套电子教材共分为36个章节。也方便参加教师资格证面试及教师招聘面试备考的小伙伴,河北华图祝大家顺利上岸!
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Section A, 2d 里克:嗨,海伦。好久不见。 海伦:你好,里克。是的,上个月我去度假了。 里克:噢,你去什么有趣的地方了吗? 海伦:是的,我和我家人去贵州了。 里克:哇!你们去看黄果树瀑布了吗? 海伦:是的,我们去了。它太壮观了!我们在那里拍了好多照片。你 怎么样...
Julie:Yes,Idid.Boy:Didyougooutwithanyone?Julie:No.Noonewashere.Everyonewasonvacation. Amy:Wheredidyougoonvacation?Lin:IwenttoSydney:Amy:Well,itsoundsgreat.Whatdidyoudothere?Lin:Iwenttothebeacheswithmyfriends.Amy:Howwerethebeaches?Lin:Theywerefantastic.wheredidyouyougo?Amy:IwenttoSouthAfrica.Lin:...
unit 1 where did you go on vacation? 课文 141 2021-02 5 unit 8 2d 课文朗读 14 2021-02 6 Unit 3 2B text reading8 학년 상권 유닛 32b 본문 15 2021-01 7 八上英语 unit2 2b课文朗读 211 2021-01 8 八上简答题【地理】第三部分 即【八上简答题】到此结束 ...
Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 信息发布者: