nor is it the time to “lecture” one about eating meat, which only turns those people I am trying to reach farther away. The secret is this: I find that if you bring delicious vegan food to the table, it will impress
Pride is knowing that exact spot you’ve spent the day in a state of bliss is the same spot where years ago running battles were being held between Pride security and people determined to let it be known they did not want us there. In our streets, in our area, they decided to let u...
This then makes sense of why a band of diseased people had‘leaders’ as if it was just the people who had been unfortunate enough to contract a simple disease then a hierarchy – let alone agreed upon leaders – would not have come about as quickly as they did. This then tells us tha...
He and his partner are doing their best to reduce their carbon and plastic impact, among other things, which is why they are going to develop their land in an eco-friendly bed and breakfast with a vegan menu. At the mention of veganism, my sister and I shared how Mom had made vegan...
(This is not to say art doesn’t provide moral instruction: It is more so that art presents a multitude of moral possibilities and shouldn’t serve merely as propaganda.) That tends to be a recipe for didacticism rather than enlightenment. However, I do think that art itself is meant to...
Selma liked the idea of women working together, sharing common wisdom. She did not like the idea of women serving anyone. To this day, diners give their orders at a window by the kitchen, then pay. When meals are ready, their names are called. When they’re done, they bus their own...
Did you know that you can burn fat while you sleep? Keep your dinner light, low in carbs and make sure to have it 2-3 hours before your normal bedtime. Leptin is a hunger-suppressing, fat-burning hormone that is naturally released sometime around sunset. However, leptin won’t be relea...
As a passionate vegan, how do you incorporate veganism into your life and career? I like to wear clothes when I travel or perform that encourage conversations. If I play a show and wear a shirt from Don’t Eat the Homies, maybe someone will see it and be...
there is no quickset date so during shorter months the wearer has to rotate the local hour hand twice around the dial. This also needs to be done if the watch has been dormant for a period. That exoticism is paired with soft spice from ginger for a warmer, more vibrant top. Yep, as...
so in a way it’s kind of a blessing. It was extremely frustrating having two children who really did not want to be put down for many, many months, but my husband and I spoke to enough people and I got enough support from La Leche League International and from other women who were...