For balanced functions only the first term survives, so that the final state is , while for unbalanced functions the first term disappears, leaving us with . Hence, measuring the final state allows us to decide whether the function is balanced or not. And the final state is produced using ...
The term "brothers" here is translated from the Hebrew word אַחַי (achai), which can mean literal brothers or, more broadly, kinsmen or fellow countrymen. Jacob's use of this term indicates a sense of camaraderie and kinship, even with strangers. It reflects the biblical ...
Although the term obsessive compulsive disorder hadn’t come into widespread use at the time, the behavior not only shows the stress Robinson’s character feels in continually being forced to engage in duplicitous and exploitive practices but symbolizes his desperate attempts to cleanse his guilty co...
And not vainly did they fall from his hand; for all the bloody drops that gushed forth Gaia received, and as the seasons moved round she bare the strong Erinyes and the great Giants with gleaming armor, holding long spears in their hands and the Nymphai whom they call Meliai all over t...
(The term “embedded,” in this case, refers to AMD chips found in systems such as industrial devices and cars.) For its EPYC processors designed for use in data-center servers, specifically, the company noted that it released patches earlier this year. AMD declined to answer questions in ...
There was nothing in Judaism which was in conflict with Christianity. Jesus, the Christ, was also the perfect Jew. So one could be a good Jew and a Christian at the same time. The focus remained on how God wanted His people to behave....
he couldn’t do the signs that he did. Yet, a part of him wanted to understand how that is possible. To safeguard his reputation, he had to come in the night to see Jesus when no one could see him. He was afraid to lose his standing as one of those who are looked up to by ...
Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets. Hamlet (1601) act 1, sc. 1, l. 113 (Oxford Standard Authors ed.) Some say that ever 'gainst that season comesWherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated,The bird of dawning singeth all night long. Hamlet (1601) act 1, sc. 1, l. 158 ...
I don’t know which was more risible and ridiculous – the Vikings as black, the oriental woman trooper in a Nazi Army uniform, or the American founding fathers as black or indigenous – or whatever the current correct term du jour is. How nice to have it proved, once and for all. ...
Today in doing so you may have noticed that the first song is entitled “The Only Living Goy in Jew York.” There are two basic responses to this song title, 1) a laugh, or whatever sound you make to express mirth while alone on the internet (mine is a sharp, tiny exhale of ...