The same can be said when it comes to the use of the umbrella-term LGBT; Iff a game is considered inclusive, and if a developer or publisher thinks they should tell their prospective audience that it is, than this is also a good place to say so and describe WHY it is inclusive. ...
the flipside of this is that from a player’s standpoint, there’s no shortage of conflicts to fight through and experience, and as a reward for playing these modes, players gain access
Middling long-term software promise Not quite the most powerful processor around The Razr 40 Ultra from 2023 took the clamshell foldable crown from Samsung’s Z Flip 5, and the Razr 50 Ultra is here to make sure it stays that way, improving on the already strong offering of foldables with...
Kami– In Japan, in the Shinto belief, the term kami is used to denote those spirits of a higher status than humans. By tradition, there is said to be 88 million (a number symbolizing infinity) kami. There are amatsu-kami (celestial) such as Amaterasu Omikami, the kunitsu-kami (terre...
on (probably) that translator's culture and background and to me, it made no sense. This is similar to those issues of something of a "common sense" in one culture, is not a "common sense" in another (I'm not sure if "culture shock" is the right term, but you get the point)...
And a common problem is avoiding this 3-fight rule of thumb by resting after each fight, resulting in the term “15 Minute Adventuring Day”. As an adverse effect of this some of those 3 fights would be throwaways meant to grind down resources. In these fights the players weren’t in ...
mechanic known as "gacha." For many, it's a rather puzzling term, often directly compared to loot boxes. Today we are going to get educational – let us take you on a journey where you will learn about the genesis of this mechanic and learn a bit more about its implementation in ...
Waifu is a term fora fictional character, usually in anime or related media, that someone has great, and sometimes romantic, affection for. Does crusch lose arm? Crusch herself got her entire arm cut off following an attack from Gluttony. While both Rem and Crusch survived their ordeal, their...
When did Bantu knots become popular? These women and plenty of others slayed Bantu knots, helping to bring them to the forefront. However, the hairstyle can be traced as far backto at least 1898. The History of Bantu Knots 43 related questions found ...
“My Hero Academia” is a special breed of anime, falling more in line with Western ideals of heroism with the spectacle and wonder that comes with Japanese animation and long term character development. For those unaware, “My Hero Academia” is set in a world where 80 percent of the worl...