“[W]hen I would visit St. Mark’s in later years, wherever I looked within the church: the pulpit, the choir stalls, the memorial windows, the Blessed Sacrament, conjured precious memories and deep gratitude for how St. Mark’s drew me into the loving arms of Jesus and sent me forth...
From the minds of the writers at Robot Chicken, it's time for Medusa to get her freak on; The Pirates of Dark Water visit Flint, Michigan; Yarel Poof returns to see how the Star Wars Saga ends.
“Correct. Absolutely tragic that so manyinsiston traveling it,” said Jesus, as a tear slide from his eye. “The demons coerce, but the people acquiesce. Travelers on this route think this is the easy way, but it is the opposite. They are actually miserable already now, but the worst ...
” It is on this day that we read the story of the three magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) and their journey to meet the Christ child in Bethlehem. God is made manifest to them in little Jesus, and they offer him their precious gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh in response...