Scott obviously supports the ideals of socialism, and even seems to have a certain fondness for Stalin himself. And yet, this doesn’t prevent him from describing the situation exactly as it was. He details the astoundingly low standard of living faced by most of the workers. He acknowledges...
atomic fission, population explosions, rabid nationalism, the cold war between socialism and capitalism and all the other horrors which I shall refrain from naming, the rights of the little human heart are proclaimed with just as much persistence and diversity. ...
and of course, every student will hear these unique pieces of propaganda and mindlessly imbibe them going forth for all time repeating the lies of the progress or populist about the evils of capitalism or socialism and forever work for social justice warrior or corporate shills. Again, it depend...
He IS Obama lite as Jim has pointed out countless times with references to his voting and governing records, and YouTube videos of the socialism spewing out of his own mouth, which he later denies having said, but there it is for all the world to see. Why don’t you see it? The ca...
Unlike Socialism, which fails in similar ways wherever it is tried, Capitalism gives us new things to worry about every generation. In a dynamic economy, companies from different industries threaten to become monopolies every generation, giving us new reasons for why this time’s threat is differe...
That was communism, and communism isn’t really socialism. If you ask what the difference is between an actual instantiation of socialist ideals and the historical examples that we have, you will be told that true socialism is egalitarian. In other words, true socialism is like a commune ...
‘SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers’ which bore his name on their uniforms. The significance here is that Kurt Eggers was one of the most prolific, anti-Christian thinkers within National Socialism. If it were true that the NSDAP were a Christian movement, why did Kurt receive such recognition and ...
Given the fact that much of the right is funded by fossil fuel interests, at least in the United States, it’s hard to see how this could happen. And unlike what Trump did in the 2016 election, which was mobilize a latent xenophobia which had rightfully been previously excluded from Ameri...
A podcast where we talk to risk takers, adventurers, investors, travelers, entrepreneurs and simply mind bogglers.
We were all astonished. How can this happen again, and in North America? Whywas Kanye trashing the Jews? It is wild to think that even if 5 percent of his 50 million fans would stand with him until the end, that would be over one million people who harbor anti-Semitism. They would ...