Coffee finallycame to Americain the mid-1600s, shortly after the coffeehouse boom in London. While Americans did like coffee, they were still particular to tea. However, in 1773, whenKing George IIIimposed the heavy tea tax that led to the Boston Tea Party, Americans quickly named coffee t...
Where did polytheism originate? How many gods do Pagans believe in? Is Wicca a Pagan religion? What is a Pagan handfasting ceremony? What do Pagans believe about the afterlife? Where is Jainism practiced? Are weddings Pagan? What is a pagan god? What is a Pagan fertility ritual? Where is...
The seed should be strong so that many trees would originate from it. From then on, nobody would worship idols, nobody would circumambulate the Kaaba naked, nobody would bury their daughters alive, everybody would believe in the Lord of the worlds, everybody would obe...